“Dear Aline” An ode to life

«Aline» my middle name, mirroring the romanticizing dreamer in me, believing that everything is possible. Hence the reason to take the step of building this brand, I have always dreamed of in the first place.

Dear Aline is a womenswear and lifestyle brand created for those of us striving towards a more simple but beautiful life, with a focus on the things that really matter. Clothing surely is one of those beautiful things but in our eyes, first of all, it should make You feel confident, comfortable and give You the room to be yourself in Your daily life.

In other words «Aline» figuratively stands for a woman who’s not afraid, to get her hands dirty. One who’s passionate about her work, cooking, a garden, reading books, her children, going to the market, or having a picnic with her friends. Basically about everyday life and the precious moments in between. She sure values pretty clothes, that are well made and help her express her personality, but she’s not one, to let herself be defined through it. She knows her value even without pretty clothes!

«Style should not equal pride, but be a gentle reminder to yourself and others, that the beauty, which is found in everyone, can blossom.» – Dear Aline 

Kim (Aline) Alasu

Born in Zurich, Switzerland I was always striving for a very different lifestyle than a lot of the people around me. I’m a collector of vintage treasures, lover of beautiful fabrics and have a great appreciation for
all handcrafts. Together with
my husband Benji I founded
Dear Aline in 2021.