A trip to the Wellness Hostel


Something you might have figured out about me by now is, that I love the mountains and nature in general. It’s all my calm, my sanity, my happiness, and my recharger! As we live in the city, I can start feeling empty from time to time. And this feeling, almost always instantly clears away, as soon as I am surrounded by nature again. So this time, us and a few close friends went to a lovely place, just for two nights. To relax and find our happiness nestled between the mountains.


We already went to the wellnessHostel4000, in Saas-Fee, a few years ago and fell in love with the place! The hostel is very modern & chic and not expensive at all! And for a comparatively tiny extra charge, you can use their wellness, which is beautifully made. The best thing about it is the stunning view on the mountains and the forest that you get while dreaming away in the hot tub and sauna! The whole village is car-free, which too is a welcome ease for us city-people.

Even though the drive from Zurich is about three to four hours, it’s a beautiful one. We drove with the car-train for a little while, which was a fun experience! We saw the most beautiful forests, sunlit mountain tops, and winding valleys. Last time we drove over three alpine passes to get there, which was spectacular for itself. Our friend even caught a fish, that was swimming in an alpine lake and the hostel staff cooked it especially for us… But that’s a whole other story! Coming back to this time around: On the way up, we bought some nice cheeses & meat and had a big banquet in our six-bed-hostel-room. Speaking of the rooms, the design of the rooms is great! It’s very minimal but smart & modern, and very clean. The windows are big and I’m pretty sure, that you have the most beautiful view from every room. There are huge mountains all around. What too stands out regarding the interior, is the use of beautiful quality wood. So this hostel really has something revolutionary about it and the architects (SSA Architekten) did a great job!

On our second day, we hiked to a nearby village. It was freezing cold outside, but the scenery had something dream-like about it. The light, the colorful trees, the fire we made and the thought, of jumping straight into the sauna afterward, made it a lovely walk. Back at the hostel, we made use of all the guests, still being gone skiing and had the wellness almost to ourselves. What a dream!


Sitting there in the wooden sauna, staring through the huge window, as the evening-winter-sun lit the last few trees. Heaven! I tell you, heaven! Not a single care in the world and I did, for a few hours, forget all the challenges, that building your own business brings along. I am so grateful, that even if we didn’t completely arrive, where we’d like to be in life yet, we get the chance to have these little moments of peace. Moments of freedom and happiness, that always manage to remind me, of why I wanted to create a job for myself in the first place!

If you are looking for a little getaway, we all can really recommend this hostel. You can find all information here: www.youthhostel.ch/de/hostels/saas-fee-wellness-hostel-4000
