I'm back, things are happening (Dear Aline Webshop Launch Summer 2021)

Photography: Molly Zaidman

Photography: Molly Zaidman

Hi Friends, I’m back after a long “break” with a new Journal entry. “Break” is really the most misleading term I could have used here though! In the last year and a half I’ve been working harder than ever before, to make Dear Aline a reality and to develop the first products.

A quick recap:
2019 I found a pattern maker, who helped me create the patterns for the first-ever Dear Aline Clothing Collection (the Esmée Pantsuit-Set).
2020 I traveled to Mexico to look at textile/sewing productions and found a beautiful, new to me, world of craft and art which was exactly what I was looking for to bring the clothes to life.
2020 I started working together with a new pattern maker which I am extremely thankful for and also happened to be a lovely and great human being (we finalized the patterns for the Esmée Set together).
2021 We are finishing the Launch Video at the moment, soon I am doing a private funding, to produce the first round of clothes. I worked on the website, send patterns and samples to Mexico, and got great work back.

So where are we now: The Dear Aline Webshop will be launching in Summer 2021. There will be hand-selected, special vintage goods, pajamas handmade from vintage & reproduction fabrics, and of course the Dear Aline Esmeé Pantsuit-Set.

I can not wait, I am so excited to finally get started and share all of these beautiful and unique products with you!

Thanks for always sticking around, being supportive and interested, and very soon I will need your help with spreading the word of dearaline.com.


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